Our Aims

Medical Partnerships aims to;

  • Offer skilled care to enable people supported by us to achieve their optimum state of health and well-being.
  • Treat all people supported by us and all people who work with us with respect at all times.
  • Uphold the human and citizenship rights of all who work and visit Medical Partnerships and of all clients.
  • Support individual choice and personal decision-making as the right of all clients.
  • Respect and encourage the right of independence of all clients.
  • Recognise the individual uniqueness of clients, staff and visitors and treat them with dignity and respect at all times.
  • Respect individual requirements for privacy at all times and treat all information relating to individuals in a confidential manner.
  • Recognise the individual need for personal fulfilment and offer individualised programmes of meaningful activity to satisfy that need of clients and staff.

Our Core Care Values

  • Compassion: We are passionate about the quality of our service. It is our goal to ensure that all employees of Medical Partnerships remain passionate about working in the care industry. This will lead to competent, caring and well trained individuals who are responsive to the needs of our clients, their families and the communities that we serve.
  • Honesty: As a Service Provider, we will endeavour to be as transparent as possible by being truthful with the decisions that we make and the actions that we take every day. We value transparency because quite frankly this is what we expect from all our stakeholders. We do not appreciate being kept in the dark. Our commitment to transparency affects how we communicate within Medical Partnerships and how we related with all our suppliers, clients, relatives, friends and other health and social partnerships. We believe this value is incredibly important when individuals are putting their faith in us as a Service Provider.
  • Reliability: As a Service Provider, we place a premium on reliability because we know how integral we are to fulfilling the aspirations of our clients, their families and friends which is to live independently within their homes. As a result of this, we are able to respond to individual needs by taking time to listen. The success of Medical Partnerships is dependent on healthy relationships not just with our clients but with other community based organisations, suppliers, statutory organisations, healthcare partnerships, Social Services and other key stakeholders. We believe that reliability promotes trust and provides a foundation for other values to foster.
  • Interested in you: Every individual matters to us. As a result of this, Medical Partnerships is interested in every single person that is in need of our services. We will strive to ensure that the care provided is suitable for the needs of the clients by engaging with not just the clients but with relatives, friends, Social Services and other health care professionals where applicable to promote personalised care and deliver positive outcomes.
  • Supportive: We recognise that this could be a very difficult time for all concerned, most especially for the clients and their families or support network. As a result of this our experienced and trained staff are available to provide the necessary support required by individuals as their care package is being developed and delivered. The management team is also available to support families during any transitions and on an ongoing basis.
  • Tolerant and thoughtful: We recognise that one shoe does not fit all. As a result of this, we believe strongly in adapting the service provision to meet the individual needs of the client to promote equal opportunities. We will make the time to have the necessary conversations and will not rush anyone into making any hasty decisions. We are here to support individuals every step of the way by providing the necessary time for support with the right interventions with the consent of the client or anyone with the power of attorney.
  • Our Business Values

    • Adopt best practice: We recognise that commonly accepted levels of service satisfaction are no longer acceptable and will commit ourselves to researching best practice and continuous improvement to achieve that level of excellence.
    • Institute leadership: Managers will focus on quality, consistently communicate that focus, and be action-oriented.
    • Institute quality assurance: Working as a team at Medical Partnerships we will continue to strive for quality and innovation in all aspects of our service. As a result ofthis, we will constantly review our systems learning from best practice to promote continuous service improvement
    • Institute training on the job: All staff at Medical Partnerships, including managers, will be encouraged to constantly update and improve their skills, by modern on-the-job methods.
    • Drive out anxiety: We will encourage effective two-way communication in order to drive anxiety out of the organisation, so that everybody can work effectively together.
    • Encourage education: The organisation needs good people, who are constantly improving, along with its ambitions.
    • Permit pride in workmanship: We will remove any barriers which rob our staff of the right to take pride in their workmanship. This implies a focus on quality.
    • Top management’s commitment: We will clearly define top management’s permanent commitment to ever-improving quality and productivity, and our obligation to implement all of these principles. Implementation implies a dedication to action.
    • Eliminate exhortations: We will eliminate the use of slogans, posters and exhortations to the workforce, demanding higher quality, without providing the methods.
    • Eliminate arbitrary numerical targets: We will eliminate standards that prescribe numerical quotas for the workforce and numerical goals for managers, and substitute aids and helpful leadership in order to achieve continual improvement of quality and productivity.